At the annual meeting of the ASCRS this month, John R. Campbell,
MD, and I will report on two companion studies that we conducted to
examine the incidence, characteristics, surgical outcomes, and etiology of
floppy irides during cataract surgery. We named this condition the
intraoperative floppy iris syndrome (IFIS) (Figures 1 to 3). Based upon
retrospective observations by Dr. Campbell regarding a possible
association with tamsulosin (Flomax; Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals,
Inc., Ridgefield, CT), we attempted to evaluate IFIS with both a
retrospective and a prospective study. Because there is no mention of any
such syndrome in the literature, we were not even sure how to define it at
In a prospective study of 900 consecutive cases in which I
as the surgeon was masked as to the patient’s medication history,
approximately 2% of the eyes (21/900) and 2% of the total patients
(16/741) were deemed to have a floppy iris. Fifteen of these 16 patients
were either taking Flomax or had taken the agent in the past. This
systemic alpha 1-antagonist drug is the most commonly prescribed
medication for benign prostatic hypertrophy. None of the 725 non-IFIS
patients was taking Flomax.
The retrospective study evaluated
every cataract surgery performed in a two-surgeon (Dr. Campbell’s)
practice during the prior calendar year (2003). A floppy iris was noted in
the operative report in approximately 2% of the total eyes (16/706) and
patients (10/511). Every one of the IFIS patients was taking Flomax. Six
patients on Flomax therapy did not have a floppy iris noted in the
operative report. An additional 1.5% (11/706) of the patients were taking
other systemic alpha-blockers (Hytrin [Abbott Laboratories Inc., North
Chicago, IL], Cardura [Pfizer Inc., New York, NY], or Minipress [Pfizer
Inc.]). None of these patients demonstrated a floppy iris. The rate of
IFIS in the two combined studies—totaling more than 1,600 eyes and 1,250
patients—was 2%. Our findings convey the importance of ophthalmologists’
recognizing and learning how to manage IFIS.
Flomax is one of several systemic alpha-1 blockers used to treat
the urinary symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. These drugs improve
urinary outflow by relaxing the smooth muscle in the prostate and bladder
neck. Their side effects can include postural hypotension due to alpha-1
blockade of the vascular wall’s smooth muscle.
Molecular studies
have demonstrated the presence of three different alpha-1 receptor
subtypes: A, B, and D.1 Flomax exhibits an extremely high affinity and
specificity for the alpha-1A receptor subtype, which is the predominant
receptor found in the prostatic and bladder smooth muscle. As the only
drug in its class that is specific to one receptor subtype, Flomax is much
more uroselective than Hytrin and Cardura, and physicians prefer the agent
because of its much lower associated incidence of postural hypotension.
Alfuzosin (Uroxatral; Sanofi-Synthelabo Inc., New York, NY) is a newer
alpha-1 blocker that is also not subtype specific.
We reviewed the
pharmacologic literature to find which alpha-1 receptor subtype mediates
contraction of the iris dilator’s smooth muscle. Based upon a number of
animal studies, it appears that alpha-1A is the predominant receptor
subtype in the iris dilator muscle as well.2 Although systemic alpha
1-antagonists differ in their receptor subtype affinities, it is not clear
why IFIS was not seen in our patients taking Hytrin and Cardura. Recently,
urologists have begun to treat urinary retention symptoms in women with
Flomax,3 and, predictably, anecdotal reports are emerging that these women
demonstrate IFIS as well.
Based upon features common to all of our cases, we defined the
IFIS according to a triad of signs:
• a floppy iris that billows in
response to normal irrigation currents in the anterior chamber (Figure
• a marked propensity for the iris to prolapse to the phaco and
sideport incisions; and
• progressive pupillary constriction during
surgery (Figure 3).
Although there are other possible causes of
either iris prolapse or intraoperative miosis, it is the combined presence
of all three aforementioned features that defines and characterizes the
IFIS. The pupil frequently dilates poorly or suboptimally, but this
feature was not uniform to all cases in our study. Because mechanical
pupillary stretching or partial-thickness sphincterotomies are among the
most commonly used techniques for small pupils,4 a surprising and
disappointing feature of the IFIS was the ineffectiveness of these
techniques for achieving or maintaining adequate expansion of the pupil
during surgery.
In our retrospective series, two of 16 (12.5%)
patients with IFIS incurred posterior capsular rupture with vitreous loss.
We also encountered several fellow eyes in cases of IFIS that had
experienced vitreous loss during prior surgery performed elsewhere and
outside of the study period. There were no instances of capsular rupture
in the prospective IFIS series, but iris transillumination defects of
varying severity resulted from iris prolapse in a number of
We believe that two features of the IFIS in particular
increase the risk of posterior capsular rupture. The first is the relative
ineffectiveness of mechanical pupillary stretching, with or without
partial-thickness sphincterotomies, for expanding the pupil in eyes with
IFIS. Mechanical stretching in eyes with posterior synechiae or in
patients chronically taking miotics creates microscopic tears in the
fibrotic edge of the inelastic pupil. This is not the case in eyes with
IFIS, where, like an elastic waistband, the pupil simply snaps back to its
original size. Second, because these pupils do expand following
viscoelastic injection, particularly with Healon5 (Advanced Medical
Optics, Inc., Santa Ana, CA), the surgeon may develop a false sense of
safety upon easily completing the capsulorhexis and may then be unprepared
for the iris prolapse and unexpected pupillary constriction that occurs
during phacoemulsification. By this point, inserting iris hooks or a pupil
expansion ring is more difficult and can tear the capsulorhexis’
Also surprising is the occurrence of IFIS even after a patient
ceases taking the drug for 1 to 2 weeks. Although discontinuation seemed
to improve the preoperative dilation and iris floppiness in several
patients, full-blown IFIS still occurred in others. Even more interesting
has been our observation of IFIS in several patients who stopped taking
Flomax more than 1 year prior to surgery. I have observed iris billowing
without prolapse and constriction in both eyes of a patient who had
discontinued Flomax 3 years prior to his surgery.
We postulate
that the iris’ billowing and propensity to prolapse result from a lack of
tone in the dilator smooth muscle. Although the dilator muscle accounts
for only a small fraction of the iris’ overall stromal thickness, the
usual intraoperative rigidity of this tissue must be the result of normal
muscle tone. The persistence of IFIS long after the discontinuation of
Flomax suggests a semipermanent muscular atrophy and loss of tone. We do
not know how long one must take Flomax before experiencing these chronic
muscular changes. From anecdotal reports, however, it seems that IFIS does
not occur until patients have been on Flomax therapy for approximately 4
to 6 months.
Cataract surgeons should inquire specifically about the use of
Flomax during the patient history in order to plan appropriately. The IFIS
is best managed with devices or viscoelastic agents that mechanically hold
the pupil open and restrain the iris from prolapsing. Of all the different
viscoelastics, Healon5 (which is extremely viscous and highly retentive)
is best able to viscodilate the pupil and is uniquely capable of blocking
the iris from prolapsing to the incisions. Surgeons, however, must use low
aspiration flow and vacuum settings (eg, < 22mL/min and < 200mmHg)
to delay the viscoelastic’s evacuation from the anterior chamber. As the
pupil constricts during phacoemulsification, one can repeatedly inject
Healon5. Robert Osher, MD; Douglas Koch MD; and others have described this
strategy for IFIS. Compared with using expansion devices, operating with
Healon5 in this manner is more dependent upon surgical technique and
fluidic parameters, and it is most effective when the preoperative
pupillary diameter is reasonably large. When intending to use this
technique, one should consider temporarily stopping Flomax for 1 to 2
weeks prior to surgery.
In my experience, iris retractors or a
pupil expansion ring are the most reliable means of maintaining a safe
pupillary diameter during surgery (Figures 4 to 6). These devices are
costly and time-consuming to insert, and the placement of expansion rings
is difficult if the pupil is small or the anterior chamber is shallow. It
is safer to insert these devices before, rather than after, initiating the
capsulorhexis. As suggested by Thomas Oetting, MD, one should place iris
retractors in a diamond configuration (Figure 4).5 Doing so requires a
separate stab incision just posterior to the clear corneal incision, but
it maximizes surgical exposure immediately in front of the incision. This
subincisional retractor also draws the iris posteriorly, unlike laterally
situated iris hooks (square configuration), which tent the iris up
anteriorly in front of the phaco incision. I recommend using iris
retractors in Flomax patients if the pupil is small, if the nucleus is
dense (requiring high vacuum), if the anterior chamber is shallow, or if
the surgeon is inexperienced with Healon5. Stopping Flomax preoperatively
should not be necessary if one plans to use iris hooks.
As urologists and patients learn that Flomax causes IFIS, the
question of whether this drug is safe to use in the cataract population
will arise. In our two companion studies, the ophthalmologists had no way
to foresee the occurrence of IFIS. Being able to elicit a prior history of
Flomax use now enables cataract surgeons to anticipate IFIS and to employ
alternative methods of managing small pupils prior to starting the
capsulorhexis. Educating ophthalmologists about IFIS is paramount for this
reason, and the ASCRS issued a member advisory alert regarding Flomax in
January 2005. I believe that using iris retractors, a pupil expansion
ring, or the Healon5 technique should result in cataract surgical outcomes
comparable to those normally attained in non-IFIS eyes. I have initiated a
multicenter trial to determine prospectively the complication rate and
surgical outcomes in patients taking Flomax when one of these three
strategies for expanding the pupil is used.
David F. Chang, MD, is
Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of California, San
Francisco, and is in private practice in Los Altos, California. He is a
consultant for Advanced Medical Optics, Inc., but states that he holds no
financial interest in the products mentioned herein. Dr. Chang may be
reached at (650) 948-9123; dceye@earthlink.net.
1. Foglar R,
Shibata K, Horie K, et al. Use of recombinant Alpha1-adrenoceptors to
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2. Yu Y, Koss MC.
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3. Reitz A,
Haferkamp A, Kyburz T, et al. The effect of tamsulosin on the resting tone
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5. Oetting
TA, Omphroy LC. Modified technique using flexible iris retractors in clear
corneal surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2002;28:596-598. |